Castle Residences

Stage 1 – Development Application for a building envelope to a height of 117.1m. The proposed land uses include retail, commercial, residential, and potentially a hotel. The development has frontages to Bathurst and Castlereagh Streets. Proposed includes demolition of buildings on-site and retention and refurbishment of the heritage item at 203 Castlereagh Street.

Stage 2 – Development Application for retention and adaptive re-use of the heritage-listed Porter House building, demolition of all other existing structures, excavation of 4 basement levels and construction of 36-storey mixed-use development, accommodating 2,055sqm of retail/commercial floor space, 131 residential apartments, in-principal hotel use, 64 car parking spaces and public domain improvement works.

Location: 203 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW
Developer: United Development Sydney
Role & Responsibility:  PCA – Principal Certifying Authority

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